Monday, May 14, 2018

Benefits of Almonds

Almonds nuts are found in different countries. Sweet almonds, nuts are edible and bitter ones are used to make almond oil. Generally, almonds were eaten raw, but many people’s use them in casseroles, salads, and other dishes as ingredients and garnish them. For better absorption of almond nutrients, you can eat them in empty stomach and also the best way for quick benefits soak it overnight in water then eat them in the morning. Almonds have a good source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which is helpful in lowering bad cholesterol. Eating almonds regularly can help rise in HDL cholesterol levels.
Almonds have a very impressive nutrition profile include of vitamins and minerals like Fiber, Protein, Manganese, Vitamin E, Fat, and Magnesium, They also contain a small amount of vitamin B2, copper, and phosphorus. Almonds are a good source of antioxidants; it helps to prevent oxidative stress. Almonds have decreased the risk of heart disease. Many nutrients in almonds help to give better heart health. Magnesium in almond which is preventing hypertension and heart attacks. As per Ayurveda that almonds are able to increase brain capacity, longevity, and intellectual ability.
Health Benefits of almonds are as follows.
Almonds bear healthy brain function
Almonds useful in lowering the bad cholesterol
Almonds protect cell membranes
Almonds prevent cancer
Almonds have anti-inflammation action
Almonds keep the immune system strong
Almonds help prevent heart attacks and disease
Almonds have a good amount of nutrients
Almonds have antioxidants
Almonds use to maintain skin health
Almonds control our blood sugar levels
Almonds prevent diabetes
Almonds use for weight loss
Almonds use to get better the hair quality and reduce the hair fall.
Almonds use in skin care

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